Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Robots To Silk At MIT

On a visit to the MIT Media Lab a few months back for a food event we were drawn to what we thought was a sculpture installation in the lobby.  Upon closer inspection we discovered that the dome structure was actually alive.  Yes ,it was teeming with life.

Built by a robotic arm and overseen by the Mediated Matter Group, the structure was under construction by live silkworms spinning their web live before our very eyes.

The Silk Pavillion

At our first visit,the structure had only begun.  Today it is much thicker and full. The display is in the lobby and open to the public.  Check it out and maybe take the kids to get their own, little minds spinning.  Or, impress that first date  with something truly memorable!

MIT Media Lab
Building E14
75 Amherst Street
Cambridge, MA  02139
Telephone: 617.253.5960
Kendall Square T Stop on the Red Line